Troubleshooting Shipper


To troubleshoot deployments effectively you need to be familiar with core Kubernetes and Shipper concepts (very briefly explained below) and be comfortable running kubectl commands.


Shipper objects form a hierarchy:


You already know Applications and Releases, but there’s more. Below Releases you have what we call “target objects”. Each represents an important chunk of work we do when rolling out:

Kind Shorthand Description
InstallationTarget it Install charts in application clusters
CapacityTarget ct Scale deployments up and down to reach desired number of pods
TrafficTarget tt Orchestrate traffic by moving pods in and out of the LB

The list is ordered (e.g. we can’t manipulate traffic before there are pods).

The universal troubleshooting algorithm

Shipper is a fairly complex system that runs on top of an even more complex one. Things can fail in many different ways. It’s not really feasible for us to list all the possible problems and solutions for them. Instead, we’ll give you a rough algorithm that should help you deal with commonly encountered problems.

To summarise, the algorithm is roughly:

  1. Find what stage you’re at by looking at Release conditions and state
  2. Inspect the corresponding target object’s conditions
  3. Act accordingly

In the next sections we’ll explain in more detail how to do that.

Finding where you are

Before we attempt to fix anything we need to make sure we know where we are in the rollout process. The starting point is almost always looking at your Release’s status:

$ kubectl describe rel nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0
  Achieved Step:
    Name:  staging
    Step:  0
    Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:21:14Z
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Scheduled
      Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:23:29Z
      Message:               clusters pending capacity adjustments: [minikube]
      Reason:                ClustersNotReady
      Status:                False
      Type:                  ContenderAchievedCapacity
      Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:23:29Z
      Status:                True
      Type:                  ContenderAchievedInstallation
      Waiting For Capacity:      True
      Waiting For Command:       False
      Waiting For Installation:  False
      Waiting For Traffic:       False

We already looked at status.strategy.state.waitingForCommand but there are more fields there: one for every type of target objects. If your rollout isn’t finished and not waiting for input, these fields tell you which stage you’re at.

Field Meaning
waitingForInstallation Waiting for the chart to be installed in application clusters
waitingForCapacity Waiting for the contender to scale up and/or the incumbent to scale down
waitingForTraffic Waiting for the contender traffic to increase and/or the incumbent to decrease

Release conditions and strategy conditions

Category Description
Object conditions Conditions that apply to the object itself. All objects have this.
Strategy conditions Conditions that apply to the strategy of the Release that’s being rolled out. Only Releases have this.

In the example above, under .status.strategy we can find a condition called ContenderAchievedCapacity, saying there’re still clusters pending capacity adjustments.

Target objects

The next step would be to look at the corresponding target object. Since we’re waiting for capacity, we’ll be looking at CapacityTarget. The object will have the same name as the release but different kind:

$ kubectl describe ct nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0
    Achieved Percent:    0
    Available Replicas:  0
      Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:23:29Z
      Status:                True
      Type:                  Operational
      Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:23:29Z
      Message:               there are 1 sad pods
      Reason:                PodsNotReady
      Status:                False
      Type:                  Ready
    Name:                    minikube
    Sad Pods:
        Last Probe Time:       <nil>
        Last Transition Time:  2018-07-27T07:23:14Z
        Status:                True
        Type:                  PodScheduled
        Image:     nginx:boom
        Image ID:
        Last State:
        Name:           nginx
        Ready:          false
        Restart Count:  0
            Message:    Back-off pulling image "nginx:boom"
            Reason:     ImagePullBackOff
      Init Containers:  <nil>
      Name:             nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0-nginx-9b5c4d7c9-2gjwl


For installation the command would be kubectl describe it <release name>, for traffic kubectl describe tt <release name>.

If we inspect .status.conditions of the InstallationTarget we’ll notice a condition called Ready which has status False and reason PodsNotReady. Further inspection will reveal that we have a pod called nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0-nginx-9b5c4d7c9-2gjwl and that Kubernetes can’t pull the Docker image for one if its containers:

Message:    Back-off pulling image "nginx:boom"
Reason:     ImagePullBackOff

The “boom” Docker tag clearly looks wrong. To fix this you can simply edit the application object and set the correct tag in .spec.template.values.

Other sources of useful information

Shipper emits Kubernetes events with useful information. You can look at that, if you prefer:

$ kubectl get events
1m          1h           238       nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0.154528eb631aac75                         CapacityTarget                                Normal    CapacityTargetChanged       capacity-controller       Set "default/nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0" status to {[{minikube 0 0 [{nginx-vj7sn-7cb440f1-0-nginx-9b5c4d7c9-2gjwl [{nginx {&ContainerStateWaiting{Reason:ImagePullBackOff,Message:Back-off pulling image "nginx:boom",} nil nil} {nil nil nil} false 0 nginx:boom  }] [] {PodScheduled True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2018-07-27 09:23:14 +0200 CEST  }}] [{Operational True 2018-07-27 09:23:29 +0200 CEST  } {Ready False 2018-07-27 09:23:29 +0200 CEST PodsNotReady there are 1 sad pods}]}]}

Typical failure scenarios

While we can’t list all the possible failures we can list the ones that we think happen more often than others:

Failure Description
Can’t pull Docker image
Strategy condition ContenderAchievedCapacity is false, InstallationTarget’s Ready condition is false and the message is something like “Back-off pulling image “nginx:boom””
Previous release is unhealthy Release condition IncumbentAchievedCapacity is false and the message is something like “incumbent capacity is unhealthy in clusters: [minikube]”. In this case, you can try describing the CapacityTarget from the previous release to find out what’s wrong. If you’re doing a rollout to fix that previous release, though, you can opt for proceeding to the next step in your strategy, as Shipper does not require a step to be completed before moving on to the next.
Can’t fetch Helm chart Release condition Scheduled is false and the message is something like “download 404”

Make sure you’re on the right cluster!

There are cases where the user is checking on the wrong cluster and can’t see the pods etc. To make sure you’re on the right one:

$ kubectl get release
NAME                       CREATED AT
myrelease-cf68dfe8-0       23m

$ kubectl describe release <your app release> | grep release.clusters